Once upon a time there was a girl named Amy and her biggest dream was to have a pet panda. One day Amy came up with a plan. She was going to convince Mayor Donut to let people have pandas as pets. So bravely she marched to Mayor Donut’s office. As she opened the door she heard a loud blast of noise. It was so loud Amy thought she was in a fish market. She waited outside the mayor’s office. As he called next she stepped forward she asked can people have pandas as pets? Mayor Donut said do people want pandas as pets? Amy said no. Mayor Donut said then you should do a vote.

The next day she got right to work. She wrote pandas as pets on one box and no pandas as pets on another box. She really hoped this worked. That night she put a pen and some paper on a table with the boxes so people could vote overnight. The next morning Amy went outside to see how many people voted. Only 15 people voted. She decided to leave it out another night so she did. The next morning she went outside to check how many people voted. 100 people voted. This was a problem because she told 132 people to vote. She still needed 32 more people to vote. She left it out one more night. In the morning there were 131 votes. Amy was disappointed she only needed one more vote.

At that moment she saw a woman in the distance. She voted and Amy started to count votes. Pandas as pets won! Amy was so happy she was about to explode into pink confetti. 

The very next day Amy skipped to the zoo to pick up the pandas. Every one was cheering as Amy brought the pandas to the adoption center.  The second the pandas were up for adoption a minute later they were out of stock!

The End.